Girls for Technology (GFT)/SHEBA

Girls for Technology (GFT)/Society of Human Engagement and Business Alignment (SHEBA)

At SHEBA, we have collaborated with Girls for Technology (GFT) to establish new support services for small businesses. Our program, spanning over five years, offers training, business acceleration, advisement, consultation, planning, and technical support for 20 small business owners annually. These supportive services extend for up to six months, aiding businesses in their growth and development. We prioritize entrepreneurs who identify as minority-owned, women-owned, disabled-owned, veteran-owned businesses, and businesses situated in distressed municipalities.

Through GFT’s Building for Equity initiative, focusing on business acceleration and pitch competition, we offer a two-cohort program for 10 small business owners each. These participants are later referred to our loan certification program, where they can gain access to capital. Our loan program trains small business founders over a 10-week hybrid learning series. Participants undergo certification and technical assistance programs with us, increasing their proficiency in the business lending process. They also gain knowledge of the types of information lenders seek and why. Additionally, we offer services that are crucial in building a solid foundation for small businesses.

Our Small Business Accelerator Program is a comprehensive initiative that provides a host of services, programs, and events. The program offers enlightening podcasts and interviews with seasoned professionals with industry-specific expertise relevant to the cohorts.